Saturday, January 28, 2012

Prismacolor Pencil Drawing

This is the outline of the still life I'm working on in class at the moment.

And this is the progress.
I have a feeling it will turn out very cool.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Second Quarter at SCAD

Work Work Work and more work.
I love it though!
I finished first quarter with all A's and made it on Dean's List.
I hope to keep this up for the rest of the year.

Right now I'm taking FASH 100, Drawing 2 and Speech.
FASH class takes up most of my time but it's my favorite, so I don't mind :)

I finished my first project for Drawing 2!
It took a long time to finish, and I wish I could have had more time to work on the back ground. Oh well.